The key operating policies of Seger Oy and their main elements:
Quality Policy
- We manufacture and supply products and services that meet our customers’ expectations competitively, just on time, and free of faults, and are committed to continuous improvement of customer satisfaction.
Environmental Policy
- In our operations, we follow the laws and regulations and monitor any changes in them.
- We recognize the most significant environmental stress factors, and reduce their consequences continuously.
- We inform our personnel about environmental factors and our possibilities to reduce their impact.
- Our environmental policy is a public document.
- We are jointly committed to follow our environmental policy, as the goal develop our environment positively.
Ethical Policy
- The Ethical Policy is based on Seger Oy’s values, our other policies, as well as international principles of UN Global Compact, the objective of which is to promote sustainable development in companies and good corporate citizenship. The Ethical Policy and the related principles of ethics guide our operations in each area of business, and in all operations.
- The focus points of our ethical principles are: Obeying laws, Human rights and employees, Environment, Preventing corruption and bribery, Competition laws, Business negligence, Immaterial rights, Suppliers, Customers, Conflicts of interest, Representation, Openness, Employer Rights and responsibilities.
Equality Policy
- Seger Oy promotes equality in a systematic and goal-directed manner.
Occupational Health and Safety
- Our goal is to provide our employees a healthy and safe working environment. We strive to prevent any accidents at work and occupational diseases by removing, as much as possible risk factors specific for the working environment.
IT Policy
- The IT systems of Seger Oy are maintained and developed so, that they ensure smooth and competitive running of the company's business, taking into account the requirements of stakeholders, the law and safety.
Conflict Mineral Policy
- Key principles: Seger Oy does not use in their production any conflict minerals that may finance military actions in the Democratic Republic of the Congo or other countries. Furthermore, it is expected that all Seger Oy’s material suppliers are free of any conflict minerals.